This procedure describes how to crop and resize images using Microsoft Paint, which is included with Microsoft Windows.
Getting started
- Click on the Windows Start icon (see #1 below)
- Scroll down through the list of programs, find "Windows Accessories" and click on it (see #2 below)
- Click "Paint" (see #3 below)
- Go to File (see #1 below), then Open (see #2 below)
- Locate the image you want to resize.
- Double-click on the image file, or single click it and select Open.
To crop your image:
- Click on the Select button (see #1 below) in the Home tab of the ribbon near the top of the window.
- Click and drag to select a rectangular area of the picture (see #2 below).
- Click Crop to remove everything outside of the selection (see #3 below).
To resize your image:
- Make sure that the Select button is not selected by clicking Brushes (see #1 below).
- Next, click the Resize button (see #2 below) to open the Resize and Skew window.
- Choose Percentage to scale your image to a certain percent of its current dimensions, or Pixels to set it to a particular width or height.
- Make sure that "Maintain Aspect Ratio" is checked, then reduce either the "Horizontal" or "Vertical" value and click OK.
- Choose File, then Save As, and enter a new filename for the image (this will keep your original file intact)::