• How to video:


These instructions explain how to upload a syllabus so that it appears as a link in the Undergraduate Course List ("RU Courses" module).


Example of RU Course List module with linked syllabus file


The following steps only need to be followed once; afterwards, you can upload syllabi as needed following the steps under "Procedure" below.

Create Joomla! Media Manager folder

  • Go to Content > Media
  • If you don't see a folder called "syllabi" create it as follows:
    • Click Create New Folder
    • For the new folder name, enter "syllabi"
    • Click Create Folder

Configure RUCourses Plugin

  • Go to Extensions > Plugins
  • Find RUCourses Plugin and click on it
  • For "Location of syllabus files" select "Joomla! - Media Manager"
  • For "Select a folder" select "syllabi"
  • Click Save & Close



1) Name the syllabi files.

Use the following naming convention to rename the syllabus file to one of these formats:

YYYYsemester-school-subject-course.pdf YYYYsemester-school-subject-course-section.pdf

Replace the elements of the above format with the following: 

  • YYYY:  the four digit year.
  • semester:  To indicate "semester", use corresponding number below:
    • Spring: 1
    • Summer: 7 
    • Fall: 9
    • Winter: 0
  • school-subject-course: standard course number
  • section:  [optional] If the section is not supplied, the syllabus will be treated as a default syllabus for the course and will be loaded for any sections which do not have their own syllabus uploaded.
  • file_extension:   The extension can be pdf, doc, docx, or txt.  PDF is preferred as it will retain text and layout formatting.


A syllabus for 01:377:140 (Foundations of Exercise Science and Sport Studies) Section 06, Fall 2020, PDF format would be named as follows:


2) Upload the files.

Be sure to upload the documents to the "syllabi" folder on the root level of images.  If uploaded elsewhere, "RU Courses" will not be able to find them. 

  1. Navigate to and upload files to the "syllabi" folder. 

    To find the "syllabi" folder, go to Components --> JCE Editor (or JCE Editor Pro) and click the "File Browser" icon that shows in the center of the page: 
    JCE Editor file browser icon

  2. Navigate so that you are in the "syllabi" folder.  When you are, its name will appear highlighted in the left column (see #1 below).

    Uploading to the "syllabi" folder with JCE Editor Pro
  3. Click the cloud icon to upload files (see #2 above)More than one file may be uploaded at a time.

  4. If a file was not named properly, it can be renamed here.  To do that, click the file then look for the edit icon in the right side of window (see #3 above).


  • Video Included: Video Included