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Article Editing

Go to Content > Articles, then select the article by clicking on the article title. This will bring you to the Articles: Edit page.

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Add Styles to Text in Articles

While editing an article it is possible to change basic formatting of your text.  For example, to make the text red, highlight the text and select ‘red-text’ or ‘red-phrase’ from the "Styles" dropdown menu.  All of these styles are defined at the template level, so they are easy to apply, and will keep a standard ‘look’ on your pages.

A guide to all editor buttons can be found here.

Highlight the text you want to apply the style to

Click the "Styles" dropdown and select the style that you would like to use

Add Heading Styles

Select text, then click on the 'Paragraph' dropdown to select a heading style

Heading Styles should only be used to define a ‘hierarchy’ of information in your article.  Users with disabilities often rely on screen readers to navigate a web page based on the placement of headings within the text.

For example, you can use "Heading3" to define titles for different areas of the article (in this example, "Instructors" and "Course Description" have been formatted with Heading3).

Defining different areas of the article with "Heading3" format

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