• How to video:

This document explains how to "unlock ALL content" that may be in the process of editing something. However, not all users have access to this option.  

An item can become 'locked', because someone is in the process of editing it, or they were editing it, and never hit 'cancel' or 'save', which means Joomla keeps the article locked.  The purpose of this is to prevent a Joomla article from being edited by multiple users at the same time.  It's a good idea to always check if someone is working on a specific article.  If you 'kick someone out' of editing, their changes may not be saved in the system.  We also recommend to frequently SAVE your work as you are working.  The last save will always be kept.

  1. Select Global Check-in under the System menu.
  2. Check off the items.
  3. Click the Check-in button.
  • Video Included: Video Included